Conversation Tree

I got this idea from my friend and guest poster, Angela. 

Each student gets their own set of colored question cards and comment cards.  The teacher or students pick a topic of conversation and the students get a chance to ask questions or comment.  The goal is to have a tree that is colorful and very tall.  When an off-topic comment is made we put a branch instead of a colorful card.  Obviously, a tree without branches sticking out all over is the goal.  The topic of this conversation tree was....
Click on me to find out

I was hoping for tears and inconsolable kids yelling "noooooooo".  That's not quite how it went down. Some kids immediately started asking questions, while others I don't think got what I was trying to tell them.  A group of my kindergartners kept asking when I would be coming back from my move.  Either way, I wanted to make sure to give my kids plenty of notice that I will not be returning next year as their speech lady.  This is what the tree looked like when I was using it with some older kids that had lots of questions to ask about my impending move.
So there is the activity.  It's great for working on conversation skills, expansion of utterances, asking questions, answering questions etc. 

Now for more on the move....
I figured I would let you all in on my exciting news.  This speech lady is moving to Chicago in 2 months.  Chicago has always been in the back of my mind (my sister and her husband have lived there for several years), but the day I felt the baby inside my sister's stomach kick, I was a goner.  I knew I needed to be near this little being or I would go insane.  Well my sweet little niece is 7 months old now, and everyday away has been absolute torture.  
I mean she was cute then, but you should see her "Michelin Man" arms and precious face now.

Luckily, my new job in Chicago will force me to do even more lesson planning than I do now, which means more ideas for you all. I will be sad to leave Austin and leave the wonderful friends I've made here.  I don't even want to think about saying goodbye to my classroom neighbors and besties Angela and Jessie.  Gahhh hold back tears! 

Anyways, I'm extremely anxious and thrilled about the exciting things ahead of me and wanted to share it with my blog family (you all of course!).


  1. I love this conversation tree activity. It is originally from Michelle Garcia Winner and my students have had lots of fun with it!

    Good luck on your move. I have 11 nieces and nephews and I live at least 5 hours from all of them! Luckily I make it back to see them often. It would be hard to be too far away. It's great you have a job lined up and also that your niece will really get to know her auntie!

  2. such a great idea!! do you have any templates that you could share?! was there anything on the cards or just "comment" vs "question"?!

    1. I don't have any templates for this activity. I just laminated and then cut out small pieces of paper for the comments and then a bigger size for the question cards. I'm sure it could be a bit more polished, so if you come up with anything let me know!

  3. I love this! I actually made one yesterday and I can't wait to try it out in my social group next week! I will have to put up a pic to share with you!

    I hope it's okay with you, I've linked to you from my blog ( Thanks for all your fabulous ideas!! :]

    1. Yes, please send me a picture I would love that! I just checked out your blog an am excited to get ideas from it.

  4. Good luck on your move! As a fellow Austinite, I am sure saying goodbye to this lovely place will be hard, but moving near your family is priceless! Thanks for all the great ideas!

  5. Welcome to Chicago! Hope your move and transition is smooth!
