Each student gets their own set of colored question cards and comment cards. The teacher or students pick a topic of conversation and the students get a chance to ask questions or comment. The goal is to have a tree that is colorful and very tall. When an off-topic comment is made we put a branch instead of a colorful card. Obviously, a tree without branches sticking out all over is the goal. The topic of this conversation tree was....
Click on me to find out
So there is the activity. It's great for working on conversation skills, expansion of utterances, asking questions, answering questions etc.
Now for more on the move....
I figured I would let you all in on my exciting news. This speech lady is moving to Chicago in 2 months. Chicago has always been in the back of my mind (my sister and her husband have lived there for several years), but the day I felt the baby inside my sister's stomach kick, I was a goner. I knew I needed to be near this little being or I would go insane. Well my sweet little niece is 7 months old now, and everyday away has been absolute torture. I mean she was cute then, but you should see her "Michelin Man" arms and precious face now.
Anyways, I'm extremely anxious and thrilled about the exciting things ahead of me and wanted to share it with my blog family (you all of course!).